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Gašper Kunšič 

Mein Zuhause

Mein Zuhause (My Home) (2020) explores the ideas of home and homeland. The work is rooted in the experience of living abroad in voluntary exile and is the result of an examination of the importance of (not) belonging to a specific community.

Gašper Kunšič, Mein Zuhause, 2020, sketch. Courtesy of the artist.

Gašper Kunšič, Mein Zuhause, 2020. Courtesy of the artist.

Gašper Kunšič often mines his own personal biography for the purpose of his work. Through the medium of the exhibition, he tries to rethink and recontextualize the course of his own personal history as well as our collective history. His works span various media and comprise visual references to his native Slovenia and former Yugoslavia. They usually take the shape of spatial installations, which the artist uses to translate interpersonal relationships to transmedia art.


Gašper Kunšič, Mein Zuhause, 2020. Courtesy of the artist.
Gašper Kunšič (1992) has studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, the University of Applied Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, and the Städelschule in Frankfurt. His works have been exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and the City Art Gallery in Ljubljana, the UGM Studio in Maribor, the Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier in Vienna and the Austrian Cultural Forum in London. In 2021, he took part in the Mediterranea 19 Young Artists Biennale in San Marino. He lives and works in Frankfurt.

Etc. is a annual magazine, dedicated to showcasing current artistic production from the Baltic to the Balkans.
Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, each issue is dedicated to a relevant topic in art and life. Founded to promote emerging artists, its goal is to initiate a dialogue, inspire collaborations, and challenge set views.