ETC.#2: Fever Dream
220 x 310 mm
260 pages
Soft spine
(booklet with Slovenian translations is included)
March 2023
Dan Adlešič, Nikola Balberčáková & Markéta Slaná, Pavle Banović, Željko Beljan & Rebecca Merlic, Andrej Beštak & Anja Leko, Sara Bezovšek, Živa Božičnik Rebec, Živa Drvarič, Enej Gala, Marija Iva Gocić & Marko Obradović, Jakub Jansa, Simon Kocjančič, Dalea Kovačec, Andrej Lamut, Natasha Nedelkova, Øleg&Kaśka, Līga Spunde, StonyTellers, Maruša Uhan, Maria Vorobjova, The Witch Twins, Karolina Wojtas, Nana Wolke, Ava Zevop
Maja Burja, Hana Čeferin, Janez Fakin Janša, Barbora Horská, Jure Kirbiš, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Kaja Kraner, Jen Kratochvil, KUĆĆA (Jurica Mlinarec, Klara Petrović, Luja Šimunović), Vesna Liponik, Lara Mejač, Iza Pevec, Tjaša Pogačar, Domenico Quaranta, Lara Reichmann, Eva Simonič, Klaus Speidel, Ana Svetel, Dorian Šilec Petek, Kate Wagner
Soft spine
(booklet with Slovenian translations is included)
March 2023
The second issue of ETC. magazine comes into being at a time of anxiety, disorientation, discomfort and disbelief. Under the title Fever Dream, it explores all the ways in which these feelings culminate in artistic projects, be it in visions of a dystopian future, uncanny depictions of the everyday or startling mergings of AI and humanity. Why do certain images make us uncomfortable? How can we begin to visualise the discomfort of our time? How to capture the absurdity and anxiety of media space and current events to make sense of what often feels like a feverish dream? Where do criticism and humour collide in the nonsense that surrounds us? How does aesthetics enter the discourse of horror and why does the eerie attract us? Does it make more sense to try to envision the atmosphere of the times without attempting to interpret or explain them? And if we try to explain them - where to begin? Artists are frequently employing stories and fictional narratives of dystopias/utopias to make sense of the zeitgeist. In the second issue of ETC., we are exploring whether these elements of the monstrous, weird, horrific or abject can be used to reflect the time we live in, whether we use them to respond to societal constraints and what the use of these elements tells us about the way we deal with our environment today.
The second issue of ETC. magazine comes into being at a time of anxiety, disorientation, discomfort and disbelief. Under the title Fever Dream, it explores all the ways in which these feelings culminate in artistic projects, be it in visions of a dystopian future, uncanny depictions of the everyday or startling mergings of AI and humanity. Why do certain images make us uncomfortable? How can we begin to visualise the discomfort of our time? How to capture the absurdity and anxiety of media space and current events to make sense of what often feels like a feverish dream? Where do criticism and humour collide in the nonsense that surrounds us? How does aesthetics enter the discourse of horror and why does the eerie attract us? Does it make more sense to try to envision the atmosphere of the times without attempting to interpret or explain them? And if we try to explain them - where to begin? Artists are frequently employing stories and fictional narratives of dystopias/utopias to make sense of the zeitgeist. In the second issue of ETC., we are exploring whether these elements of the monstrous, weird, horrific or abject can be used to reflect the time we live in, whether we use them to respond to societal constraints and what the use of these elements tells us about the way we deal with our environment today.
Dan Adlešič, Nikola Balberčáková & Markéta Slaná, Pavle Banović, Željko Beljan & Rebecca Merlic, Andrej Beštak & Anja Leko, Sara Bezovšek, Živa Božičnik Rebec, Živa Drvarič, Enej Gala, Marija Iva Gocić & Marko Obradović, Jakub Jansa, Simon Kocjančič, Dalea Kovačec, Andrej Lamut, Natasha Nedelkova, Øleg&Kaśka, Līga Spunde, StonyTellers, Maruša Uhan, Maria Vorobjova, The Witch Twins, Karolina Wojtas, Nana Wolke, Ava Zevop
Maja Burja, Hana Čeferin, Janez Fakin Janša, Barbora Horská, Jure Kirbiš, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Kaja Kraner, Jen Kratochvil, KUĆĆA (Jurica Mlinarec, Klara Petrović, Luja Šimunović), Vesna Liponik, Lara Mejač, Iza Pevec, Tjaša Pogačar, Domenico Quaranta, Lara Reichmann, Eva Simonič, Klaus Speidel, Ana Svetel, Dorian Šilec Petek, Kate Wagner
Etc. is a annual magazine, dedicated to showcasing current artistic production from the Baltic to the Balkans.
Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, each issue is dedicated to a relevant topic in art and life. Founded to promote emerging artists, its goal is to initiate a dialogue, inspire collaborations, and challenge set views.