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ETC.#3: Selling Out


220 x 310 mm
252 pages
Soft spine
(booklet with Slovenian translations is included)

March 2024 


The third issue of ETC. magazine dedicates its pages to the grind, the hustle, the hard workers and the hardly working. Under the title Selling Out, it deals with our current conditions of wage labour, precarious forms of employment, self-actualisation through work and the ever-present struggle to get that bread. Is living for work a neoliberal delusion or a triumph of capitalism? Can we truly reclaim our time and if so, where do we begin? How does our state of constant emergency manifest itself and who profits? Can art address these issues or does it perpetuate the cycle of exploitation? Is exhaustion the new normal and have we accepted self-medicating as a coping mechanism? Are we burning out or quiet quitting? Is unemployment a mode of rebellion and is there relief in boredom? Does creating a personal brand liberate or enslave – and is TikTok the new corpo? Is freelancing really “free” or should we rethink the word? Is there such a thing as having too many jobs? And why did Kim Kardashian say “It seems like nobody wants to work these days”? For this issue, we’re testing theories behind modes of working and not-working, asking whether being chronically overworked and underpaid is a point of no return or a call to action and whether selling out means beating the system or becoming its agent.


Željka Aleksić, Arbajt Kolektiv, Bare Minimum Collective, Kemil Bekteši, Nataša Berk, Vuk Ćuk, Polina Davydenko, FaceOrFactory, Santa France, Kata Geibl, Lin Gerkman, Evgen Čopi Gorišek, Ieva Kraule-Kūna & Elīna Vītola, Nika Kupyrova, Pita Project, Selma Selman, Maja Simišić, Barbora Šimková, Dorijan Šiško, Andrej Škufca, Tadej Vaukman, Linda Vilka, Katarzyna Wyszkowska, Rafał Żarski


Hana Čeferin, Asija Ismailovski, Maja Kač, Ajda Ana Kocutar, Miloš Kosec, Teja Miholič, Nika Mahnič, Lara Mejač, Petrică Mogoș, Laura Naum, Dino Pešut, Klara Petrović, Tīna Pētersone, Matej Sitar, Ondřej Trhoň, Kathryn Zazenski

Etc. is a annual magazine, dedicated to showcasing current artistic production from the Baltic to the Balkans.
Based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, each issue is dedicated to a relevant topic in art and life. Founded to promote emerging artists, its goal is to initiate a dialogue, inspire collaborations, and challenge set views.